The tragedy in Tucson was just that, a tragedy. A lone, mentally unbalancedĀ gunman goes on a rampage. It is not the first time it has happened, and unfortunately it is not going to be the last. Politicizing the action by blaming a third party for the criminal act of this individual is ludicrous. Worse it is just wrong. Of all the opinions I’ve read over the weekend, I think Howard Kurtz put it best:
And here we go again in Arizona, as people with political agendas unleash their attacks even before the victims of this senseless shooting have been buried. I find it depressing beyond belief.
This isn’t about a nearly year-old Sarah Palin map; it’s about a lone nutjob who doesn’t value human life. It would be nice if we briefly put aside partisan differences and came together with sympathy and support for Gabby Giffords and the other victims, rather than opening rhetorical fire ourselves.
He’s got a good point. Politicians on both sides of the aisle have used incendiary political rhetoric to make a point since time immemorial. But, when a crazed individual can’t separateĀ rhetoric from reality, it doesn’t mean that we should blame the politicians. Remember how quickly we’ve given up our rights to travel freely in this country, and be wary of those who will be quick to advocate restricting our speech or access to elected leaders under the guise of a “safer” country for all.