Don’t forget, tomorrow is the Bernalillo County Republican Party Convention.
Albuquerque Fraternal Order of Police Lodge
Sunday March 18, 2007
5900 Jefferson St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109
Sunday March 18, 2007
5900 Jefferson St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109
I encourage all Bernalillo County Republicans to show up and cast your vote. Unfortunately, it is not widely known, but this process is open to EVERY registered Republican in Bernalillo County. You do not already have to have be on the County Central Committee to attend and vote. We’ll be electing a new County Central Committee.
If you can’t make it, there is still time to turn in your self-nomination form and proxy, so that your vote can be counted.
Call me at 401-2010 if you need more information.