For those in this country who would like to see America move towards a more “civilized” European approach to governance: A Swiss village has found…
0 CommentsCategory: Uncategorized
The tragedy in Tucson was just that, a tragedy. A lone, mentally unbalancedĀ gunman goes on a rampage. It is not the first time it…
0 CommentsGovernor Martinez has thanked the Environmental Improvement Board for their service and shown them the door, and I say good riddance. In fact, I’d encourage…
0 CommentsOutgoing Governor Bill Richardson devotes his final moments in office to a publicity stunt regarding the long deceased criminal Billy the Kid, and incoming Governor…
0 CommentsThe liberal assertion goes something like this, “If the government just increased taxes and spending, more people would be working, and everybody would be better…
0 CommentsThe approach to fixing public education in New Mexico under the now exiting administration boiled down to nothing more than a money dump. After years…
0 CommentsAs the legislative session quickly approaches, everyone in state government might want to take a look at this 60 minutes article and video. Pay particular…
0 CommentsAn interesting question: Does a one-parent family of three, making the minimum wage of $14,500 a year, have more disposable income than a family earning…