Severe employer sanctions for those who knowingly employ illegal immigrants is part of the solution for enforcing the immigration laws currently on the books. It seems we also should consider severe sanctions against certain unions (subscription):
Immigrant-rights advocates are giving a key piece of advice to help illegal immigrants avoid deportation — remain silent.
The advice is being given out at monthly forums organized by at least three pro-immigrant community groups. The forums, which attract hundreds, are held to tell immigrants what the laws are, what their rights are and to combat racial profiling.
Immigrants who attend are given pamphlets called, “En boca cerrada, no entran moscas,” a popular Spanish phrase that means “Flies can’t enter a closed mouth.”
“Silence is the most important right. Remain silent,” says the four-page pamphlet, which is published by Somos America, Radio Campesina and the United Food and Commercial Workers Union.
The pamphlet says that under law, it’s the job of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to prove that someone is not legally in the country. The pamphlet includes a card that can be handed over in case of arrest by an immigration officer.
Well, if the UFCW wants to play this game, then I’ve got a simple proposal to put forth. Any union that knowingly recruits an illegal immigrant for membership should face the same level of sanctions as any employer that knowingly employs an illegal immigrant. Unions should also have to complete an I-9 for all members.