Or could it be called New Lows?
With the country continuing deeper into a recession, it is expected that one of President-elect Obama’s first actions will be to work with Congress to expand a second round of bailout packages (subscription):
Obama was elected on a promise of change, but the nature of the job makes it difficult for presidents to do much that has an immediate impact on the lives of average people. Congress plans to take up a second economic aid plan before year’s end — an effort Obama supports. But it could be months or longer before taxpayers see the effect.
Don’t be fooled. They may call it a “second economic aid plan,” but the ugly truth is that it is the nationalization of yet another industry – the automakers:
In late breaking news, Treasury Secretary Paulson has announced a new plan to expand TARP coverage.
Congress was behind the push as Pelosi, Reid Press for TARP Aid for Auto Industry.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid sent to send a letter to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson urging him to assist the Big Three auto makers by considering broadening the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program to help the troubled industry.
The two top Democratic leaders in Congress are likely to make the request in a letter to the White House, which could be forwarded as soon as Saturday afternoon, said individuals familiar with the matter. President-elect Barack Obama is generally supportive of the appeal, but at the moment is moving on his own track to assist the industry, these individuals said.
Mr. Obama is scheduled to meet with President George W. Bush at the White House Monday.
Though the administration is reluctant to widen the program to cover autos, there has been discussion among Bush officials of expanding use of the $700 billion to buy equity stakes in a range of financial-sector companies, moving beyond just banks and insurers. The focus would be on assisting companies that provide financing to the broad economy, such as bond insurers and specialty finance firms such as General Electric Co.’s GE Capital unit, CIT Group Inc. and others, individuals familiar with the matter said.
I doubt this will all have an immediate effect on the daily lives of you and me, but make no mistake the impact of these flawed decisions will impact the lives of our families for generatiosn to come.