By all accounts, there is a record budget surplus this year. Of course, after the financial scandals that have rocked the state in recent months, it would only be natural for New Mexicans to expect the legislature and the administration to move ahead carefully in spending taxpayers money. You know, take the time act diligently and cross all of the t’s and dot all of the i’s. At least, that is what a rational taxpayer might expect to read in articles (subscription) about the legislative session:
The governor sets the agendas for the Legislature’s 30-day sessions, in which the No. 1 job is passing a budget. The state constitution says the legislators have 30 days to do that and whatever else might arise.
Richardson, who outlines his agenda in his State of the State address today, and who is up for re-election this year, has indicated that a lot will arise.
“I’ve said to the legislators, ‘Expect a 90-day session in 30 days,’ ” Richardson told The Associated Press.
Oh well, so much for due diligence. Apparently, the Governor’s plans on once again using his slight of hand techniques to keep the legislators attentions on anything but the budget issues which are the primary purpose of this session.