Look, I’m partisan. I make no bones about it. I’m a Republican and proud to be a Republican. I support our elected Republican leaders. I proudly stand with our President, and I support our military efforts in the Middle East.
I’m the Chairman for the RNC’s 2008 Victory efforts in Bernalillo and surrounding counties. I’m proud to welcome the Vice-President to Albuquerque from the tarmac, and I don’t think twice about hamming it up to raise money for the New Mexico State GOP as a “celebrity” waiter (that’s me as John Lennon, NOT Sonny Bono).
But, I’m also a guy who started this blog almost three years ago as an experiment. I wanted to stay involved in politics after I lost my bid for a seat in the State Legislature, but I also wanted to get in on the ground floor of the social media discussion. I wanted to learn about the marketing potential of blogs and understand the social media revolution from the inside out.
Along the way, I’ve had an opportunity to “meet” some terrific folks. I’ve had people comment on this blog or link to me from their own website who agree with very little, if anything, I have to say. And you know what? My life is richer for it.
Does this sound like my goodbye post? Don’t worry, it’s not. I’m not going anywhere. I’m having too much fun. Sure, I’ve had more than a few people who have wondered aloud if it is really a wise business decision for me to continue to write this opinionated, partisan blog day in and day out. Some may even think I’m doing more harm than good if I ever want to run for office again. But you know what, if I’m not electable as me, then I don’t want to be elected.
Along those lines, I think we really need more WYSIWYG people in politics and in business. That’s why, I’m going to join Eye on Albuquerque in tipping my hat to Sheriff Greg Solano, who recently commented:
Not only will I continue to blog, I have even started a new blog which will detail the run for Lieutenant Governor in a personal and honest way that I believe has never been done in New Mexico politics. One thing I vowed when I first ran for office was that “politics will not change me, I will change politics”.
There is no chance, I’m ever going to vote for Sheriff Solano – our views on almost everything just don’t line up. But, I can’t help but think that if more candidates on both sides of the aisle began an honest discussion to put their thoughts and opinions out there three years before an election the world would be a better place.
What can I tell you? I guess I’m an idealist at heart, albeit a partisan one.