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No, You Didn’t Write That

Sheer foolishness,

Speaking of the auditors race, the R’s are throwing their candidate’s many qualifications in the face of Balderas. They say Big Bill’s “Task Force on Ethics” seems to back R Lorenzo Garcia, since the report states: “The Task Force recommends that the state auditor have certain minimum qualifications. For instance, the state auditor could be required to be a certified public accountant…” Lorenzo is a CPA with lengthy government experience.

The key words are “could be required.” But it’s not as though Hector is a country rube. He does have a law degree, is a practicing attorney and served a term in the Legislature.

Oh sorry, we stand corrected. Balderas is an attorney and spent one term as a freshman legislator. Shoot, not only does that make him qualified to be an auditor. He could also be a surgeon, a pilot and an Olympic athelete. Insisting on qualifications. Silly us, what were we thinking?