Last night, my wife and I joined about a hundred others for a Pat Rogers roast. Attorney Rogers, according to the invitation, is a seeker of serenity, protector of virginity and enforcer of election integrity. An odd trilogy of traits to be sure, unless you live in New Mexico. Now prior to attending the event I had fully planned to blog the entire evenings festivities.
Yes, it would have given me much delight to discuss the various impersonations performed by present and former elected officials. I would have also loved to share what I learned about the dating rituals of Roswellians over two decades ago. Alas, there was some sort of legalese posted on the wall right near the no-host bar. I consulted with one of the many, many attorneys present, and even a political consultant who wishes he was an attorney, and came to the conclusion that it would be in my best legal interest to refrain from blogging about the event.
So, I leave you with this thought. Anyone who has ever felt that Republicans do not have a sense of humor has never attended an evening where Republicans roast of one of their own.