The West has the reputation of producing some tough cowboy governors. Two of them have gone on to become President of the United States.
Neither the man to the left, nor the man to the right is known for backing down from a confrontation. Whether you agree with their actions or not, you cannot dispute the fact that they have faced their challenges head on.
Now Governor Bill Richardson, it seems, also fancies himself a bit of a cowboy. A rough and tumble character ready to take on all challenges.
The problem is, when the director yells, “Cut,” Governor Richardson loses all his courage and credibility. When the script ends, so does the grit. How many self-respecting NM cowboys do you know who run away from a fight?
None? Yeah, me neither.
But that’s exactly what Bill Richardson just did. John Dendahl challenged him to debate and “Sheriff Richardson” turned tail and ran. How can the Governor asks us to have faith in his abilities, when he evidently has so little faith in himself?
Then again, maybe he really does have something to be afraid of. Maybe he’s worried that Mr. Dendahl might point out the real drug situation in New Mexico. Maybe he is worried that people will learn that those new jobs are desperately needed to turn around the three-year downturn in the high tech sector.Or maybe he’s just skipping town to get out ahead of the posse.
Whatever his excuse, Bill Richardson is not much of a cowboy.