When it comes to student performance, our education system in New Mexico continues to underperform on just about every measurable standard. So, I find it interesting to read how Governor Richardson’s spin doctors quantify success:
But [Richardson spokesman Gilbert] Gallegos says, progress is being made, and teachers are better compensated than ever.
Let me point out just how ridiculous a statement this is by changing the context. Despite the recent rainfall, everyone agrees water issues need to be to addressed. Can you imagine after four years of drought Mr. Gallegos saying, “progress is being made, and the staff in the state engineers office are better compensated than ever.”
On second thought, I’m going to have to go back through the news archives. Mr. Gallegos may have actually said something like that.
Well, how about this:
Richardson on Wednesday will be at an education-related news conference, one that gives schools a report card. He hasn’t attended events such as the one about student proficiency last week, because that kind of information should be presented by department officials, Gallegos said.
What kind of hogwash is this? Governor Richardson avoids press conferences about student proficiency “because that kind of information should be presented by department officials?”
Give me a break.
The Governor launched education press conferences here, here and here. The only ones he doesn’t attend are the ones about his continued failure to improve student performance.
Am I being too hard on Governor Bill Richardson? I don’t think so. After all, I’m just agreeing with the assessment made by our Secretary of Education:
[Secretary of Education Veronica] Garcia admitted the scores should be better.
Now if only Governor Richardson would step up and take responsibility. You know, like he promised.