Times are tough, and when that’s the case certain obvious flaws become amplified. Take for example the challenges currently faced by the Albuquerque Public Schools (APS) as a result of the budget crunch. APS is looking at where to make cuts, and Superintendent Winston Brooks presented one suggestion that seems pretty reasonable on paper. Cut the double dippers (i.e. those who are already drawing a pension).
But, it seems that the union has a problem with this approach:
Albuquerque Teachers Federation President Ellen Bernstein said she understands why the district is targeting rehires, but that there are problems with the plan.
She said double dippers “have the same rights as all beginning employees,” and that the district should conduct layoffs by seniority, regardless of whether employees are also drawing a pension.
Seniority. That’s what it all boils down to for the union. Value to the kids – irrelevant. Teacher performance – irrelevant. Even that battle cry of the left for the greater good is irrelevant when compared to the union’s commitment to protecting the status quo (AKA seniority).
Any wonder that this system continues its downward spiral?