Front page article (subscription) in today’s Albuquerque Journal about the $3 million in Governor Richardson’s 2006 campaign account.
Richardson said in a prepared statement that he was pleased.
“It has been my goal to raise money early so that we can focus on governing and implementing our aggressive agenda to move New Mexico forward,” he said.
Richardson is focused (registration) alright, but not on governing. Maybe if he was focused on governing, New Mexico would be moving forward instead of moving in this direction. As far as anyone can tell, the only “aggressive agenda” being pursued is the Governor’s personal one.
Oh, I know all this 2008 talk is nothing but speculation. Still, don’t you think it’s worth noting that the $25,000 that Miguel Lausell has already given puts him at the top of the list of Richardson’s major contributors. You remember the last time Miguel showed up in this blog, don’t you?