In case you haven’t heard, I’ll be a regular panelist on KNME’s The Line for at least the next four weeks. After the cameras went…
0 CommentsMonth: September 2006
On September 19th, there is a General Obligation Bond vote for Albuquerque Public Schools. I encourage everyone to go out and vote. You can check…
0 CommentsThe beauty of the blogosphere is that you can read a myriad of opinions on any number of topics. The problem is that not everyone…
0 CommentsI’ve been thinking a lot about the Governor’s trip to Sudan to rescue the reporter. On face value, it’s great. If someone I cared about…
0 CommentsFormer Deputy Executive Director of the Democratic Party, Gideon Elliot, has a few words regarding this past weekend’s “election” of Hector Balderas to the unopen…
0 CommentsHeath Haussaman has a special report on New Mexico judges this week that promises to be a must read for political junkies.
0 CommentsJulia Goldberg gets credit for the best line of the week on Bill Richardson’s handling of the Jeff Armijo fiasco: Also, how come Richardson can…
0 CommentsAttorney General Patricia Madrid remains terrified to show up on the same stage with Congresswoman Heather Wilson in a televised debate. Since Patricia Madrid refused…
0 CommentsLet’s look at the Jeff Armijo fiasco. I still believe this guy should resign. However, the precendent setting maneuvering occurring in the Democratic Party to…
0 CommentsLooks like I may have spoken too soon. Patricia Madrid’s behavior may actually be against the law. I just checked an email from a guy…