Last year there was bad news. This year it is worse:
Districts across the state received similar news Tuesday. More than 54 percent of New Mexico schools — 433 of 800 schools — failed to make “adequate yearly progress,” or AYP.
The number of schools that have failed to meet requirements for more than two years — earning them special designations — increased to about 45 percent, up from 30 percent. The designations range from “School in Need of Improvement I” for a school that fails twice to “Restructuring II” for a school that has failed six years in a row.
I know. The problem is the test, right?
Garcia spotlighted 10 schools making adequate progress for two years in a row and no longer labeled as schools needing to improve.
One such school is Anthony Elementary School in the Gadsden Independent School District.
In 2004, 23 percent of the school’s 152 students tested were proficient in math. Last winter, 63 percent of the 349 students showed proficiency in math.
Wrong! If this school can improve along with nine others (subscription), then why do the majority of other schools continue to fail? Why are there more and more schools failing our students every year? How can a Governor running for re-election not be held accountable for his failed education policies? When do we recognize New Mexico is in a State of Emergency and hold those in charge accountable?
Update: Speaking of holding those in charge accountable… I just looked at the APS calendar, and it turns out there is a Board Meeting tonight. This might be a good time to ask some hard questions and speaking of hard questions you should check out the guest blog post here. The author, a retired teacher from Hoover Middle School, has been trying to be heard for quite some time. Considering the state of ethics in our state he brings up some excellent points.