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ACORN’s Aggressive Use of Intimidation Tactics

We’ve had a lot of experience in New Mexico with the criminal activities of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, better known as ACORN. Due to New Mexico’s role as a swing state, ACORN operatives are already generating more than their fair share of complaints for legally questionable tactics in this election cycle:

Association of Community Organizations for Reform, more commonly known as ACORN. The group has been actively trying to register voters in Doña Ana County in recent months. It has also received national attention in recent years for allegations in other states of voter fraud and shoddy work, which you can read about from CBS News by clicking here and FOX News by clicking here.

Of course, a quick internet search shows that the aggressive and criminally questionable tactics used by ACORN in New Mexico are nothing compared to the intimidation and misinformation strategies employed by ACORN in states that allow ballot initiatives. Watch the videos below to see ACORN in action…


