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An Open Letter to State Convention Delegates

Dear Fellow Delegate,

As you decide who will get your vote this Saturday at the State Convention, I want to relay some very disturbing news about Attorney General Candidate, Bob Schwartz. As a former Republican candidate, I can tell you that it is vitally important to have the support of Republicans. Bob Schwartz has a history of withholding support from our Republican candidates and even actively campaigning for Democrat candidates.

Among these were his efforts to defeat Congresswoman Heather Wilson. In 1998, Schwartz recorded a radio ad for Phil Maloof in his race against Heather Wilson.

In 2002, Schwartz headed up “Republicans for Richardson” in the race against John Sanchez. In his endorsement of Bill Richardson, Schwartz said “the fact is that this will be the best governor for the public safety of New Mexico “. Bill Richardson characterized Bob Schwartz’s support as his “most significant Republican endorsement”. Later, Bob Schwartz went on to work for the Governor as his “Crime Advisor”. Given the mutual support between Bill Richardson and Bob Schwartz, we as delegates should be asking Mr. Schwartz which candidate for Governor he will vote for this fall?

In 2004, Bob Schwartz supported Richardson’s decision to commute the life sentence a woman convicted of killing her husband. When Bernalillo County Sheriff Darren White raised objections to her release, Bob Schwartz used the opportunity to attack him saying, “he never bothered” to help the Governor’s office fight for harsher sentences.

I cannot in good conscience give my delegate vote to someone who has worked so hard to defeat Heather Wilson and other Republican candidates. Please consider this as you make your decision. Let’s send a message to Bob Schwartz that it is unacceptable for him to work to elect Democrats and then come to us and ask for our support to get him on the Republican ballot for Attorney General. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I look forward to seeing you on Saturday in Albuquerque.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I look forward to seeing you on Saturday in Albuquerque.


Mario Burgos