Please make it end (subscription):
Secretary of State Rebecca Vigil-Giron defended the decision to go to the Attorney General’s Office for advice and said it was not Madrid herself who provided the advice.
She said the request had been made by the Bernalillo County attorney, but county spokeswoman Liz Hamm denied that county officials had sought an opinion from the Attorney General’s Office.
“Not only was it appropriate, but they gave me the right advice,” Vigil-Giron said of Coppin’s [who wrote an anti-Wilson letter to the Editor less than a month earlier] advice.
Wilson claimed victory in the race last week, but Madrid has not conceded, and Democrats say the count of provisional ballots could close the margin with Wilson if not overturn it.
One Democratic elected official seeks advice from the office of another elected Democratic official on how to count provisional ballots in a close race involving the latter official. Give me a break.
Please New Mexico, when this is all over, DO NOT ever again elect these two individuals to public office. Please.