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If No One Is There To Watch

So, the Governor signed legislation banning cockfighting. However, I thought this was an interesting wrinkle:

The bill outlaws participation in cockfights, making it a petty misdemeanor on the first offense, a misdemeanor on second offense and a fourth-degree felony punishable by up to 18 months in prison for a third or subsequent offense.

Spectators could not be charged.

Is it a cockfight if no one is there to watch? I wonder why the exception? Now mind you, this is not an issue I feel strongly about one way or another. After all, it is a little hard to get excited by this “landmark” legislation when I’m reading reports like this (subscription required):

New Mexico’s K-12 education system received four F’s in a report released this week by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Several states ranked near the bottom along with New Mexico in the chamber’s “Leaders and Laggards: A State-by-State Report Card on Educational Effectiveness,” including Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi.

Yup, it’s great to see that New Mexico’s elected officials have their priorities in order – poultry followed by children. I’m curious how that is going to play on the presidential campaign trail? FDR promised a chicken in every pot. Richardson promises a rooster out of every ring. Ah yes, definite frontrunner material.