UPDATE: Due to the recent Courthouse indictments, this post is getting a lot of hits, so I thought all of the new visitors might appreciate links to a more recent post from the day after the indictments. Make sure to check the main page often, as I’ll post more as case moves forward.
People arrive on this site through a variety of key word searches. Sometimes looking at the searches that brings them to this blog is a good indication of news that’s about to break. For example, just hours ago someone did a Google search for “Manny Aragon Indictment” and landed here. Now, I’m not listed until the second page of the search, so I can’t help but think they were looking for something in particular. A quick check of the Albuquerque Journal website shows this breaking story (subscription):
New Mexico Highlands University President Manny Aragon has been placed on administrative leave, and regents said Wednesday they were negotiating his role at the northern New Mexico school.
The decision to put Aragon on leave was made over the course of recent days, Regents Chairman Javier Gonzales and Regent John Loehr confirmed Wednesday evening. They declined to say what prompted the decision.
“It is a personnel issue and discussions are currently under way,” Loehr said, adding that he expected a “fairly early resolution.”
Aragon, reached Wednesday evening at his home in Albuquerque, declined comment. He said only that he and the regents were in negotiations about his future at the university.
Can’t help but wonder if the two are connected, or if this is just an odd coincidence. I guess we will know more soon.