Every cynic out there expects to see broken campaign promises. The thing is, we expect to see them after the election, not during the campaign. Yet, that is precisely what Jim Baca did.
Last August, Mr. Baca struggled with whether or not he would return $10,000 in dirty money from an East Coast billionaire indicted on felony charges of soliciting teenage prostitutes. After checking with his Treasurer on whether or not he should act ethically, Baca finally decided to donate the money to charity, albeit only a little at a time. Apparently, his campaign finances came before doing the right thing.
So follow the dirty money – where did it go? Did Baca send the dirty money from his billionaire crony to a charity – such as a worthy New Mexico charity that takes care of underaged, sexually abused kids? No, he did not.
Despite his promises, Baca instead put the money to work by paying out various amounts of the dirty money to his favorite extreme political organizations and a former lobbyist. Not a dime went to any charity to take care of underaged, sexually abused kids.
Recipients of Baca’s dirty money include:
Sacred Alliance for Grassroots Equality (SAGE): $1,000 (Baca supporters who opposed Westside roads needed for public safety)
New Mexico Wilderness Alliance: $2,000
Forest Guardians: $1,000
Conservation Voters Alliance: $3,000
Apparently, $3,000 is the going rate for an endorsement from the Conservation Voters Alliance. One of the more bizarre uses of the money was Mr. Baca’s decision to give $500 of the questionable money to an individual (which is not lawful) for her past work on behalf of a pro-abortion group.
The Land Office is about raising money for the education of children throughout New Mexico. In acts that can only be viewed as perverse, Baca has taken money from an indicted child predator and used it to pump up his campaign and further some radical agendas. Does anyone still think Mr. Baca deserves your vote?