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Non-Resident Obama Campaign Workers to Vote in New Mexico

As we come into the final hours of the campaign, confirms at least one Obama campaign worker who is here temporarily has registered to vote in New Mexico and requested an absentee ballot. This particular worker has such deep ties to California, where he lives and works, that only two months ago, he served as a California delegate to the Democratic National Convention.

According to comments made in an interview County Clerk Maggie Toulouse Oliver admits that out of state non-residents can register and vote in this election. Ms. Toulouse Oliver goes on to say:

It’s not so much that it’s allowed, that it is not enforced. There’s really no enforcement measurement in place to evaluate whether someone’s submitting a registration based on a temporary address.

In the interview, Secretary of State Mary Herrerra confirms what we all know. Namely, that these visiting out of state campaign workers should not be voting in our elections. The Obama campaign refused to confirm how many out of state workers, they’ve brought into New Mexico.

It remains to be seen whether or not the mainstream media will pick up this story. If they do, they should ask the Obama campaign in New Mexico to release a list of all out of state temporary workers, so that can be compared to our voter rolls.