By now everyone has probably heard about what happened to Paige McKenzie. Steve Terrell has just put up information about a fund that has been set up for Paige to help offset her medical costs:
Albuquerque, NM – Today family and friends of Paige McKenzie established a charitable fund at First Community Bank with the goal of offsetting rising medical costs associated with the brutal attack against her earlier this week. People can donate money to the “Paige McKenzie Fund” at any First Community Bank in New Mexico. First Community Bank made the first donation of $500.00 today. People can donate funds in person or send a check to:
First Community Bank
Attn: Paige McKenzie Fund
Post Office Box 3686
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87190Checks should be made payable to the “Paige McKenzie Fund.”
I just sent in a $500 check to match First Community Bank’s donation, and I hope that everyone who blogs about politics in New Mexico posts the donation information on their site. I also encourage everyone who blogs, our readers and anyone running for political office in New Mexico to make a donation no matter what the size.
We all fight hard for our respective views, but when all is said and done, we’re one big family, and it’s up to us to step up when one of our own – someone who helps promote political discourse – is down.
Reach in deep folks.