Well, actually, not yet… But, it looks like on Monday you’ll be able to catch Representative Janice Arnold-Jones on tape:
Arnold-Jones, an Albuquerque Republican, bought a webcam and set up her own Web site that will allow her to stream live video and audio over the Internet from the two committees on which she sits — Taxation and Revenue and Voters and Elections. You can visit the Web site by clicking here.
She plans to begin broadcasting online when both committees meet for the first time — tax and revenue Monday at 1:30 p.m. and voters and elections Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. The only remaining question is whether legislative leaders, including House Speaker Ben Lujan, will try to stop her.
I can’t imagine the Speaker will try and stop her. My only hope is that in addition to streaming, it’s recorded so that we have the option of watching according to our own schedule.