The Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1913 brought us the federal income tax: The Congress shall have power to lay and collect…
0 CommentsTag: Spending
Couldn’t help but chuckle when I read this: Yes, whenever our government wants to justify funding items not mandated in the city’s charter, they use…
0 CommentsI’m a small business owner. Actually, I own two. A friend of mine told me once that he wanted to start a business because he…
0 CommentsSo, I always thought New Mexico’s special interest spending of taxpayer’s money at the state level was ridiculous. But, it looks like that tilapia farm…
0 CommentsOver the last few years, funding for education has increased exponentially. More than once I’ve complained that despite this significant investment, we’ve yet to see…
0 CommentsYear after year, Mayor Martin Chavez has been spending with reckless abandonment. Last year, it became clear that his fiscal irresponsibility was finally catching up…
0 CommentsOver the next couple of weeks, the Governor is going to line item veto various capital outlay projects. That is all well and good, but…
0 CommentsI don’t like Governor Richardson’s ill-conceived health care proposal. That’s probably no surprise to anyone. But, what really irks me lately is Governor Richardson’s holier…
0 CommentsIt looks like we’re going to be getting some of our hard earned money back from the government (subscription): With unprecedented speed and cooperation, Congress…
0 CommentsJust like there are consequences in life, there are consequences in government. The spending party never lasts forever. At some point the bill comes and…