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Tom Udall Attempts to Rewrite Recent History

It looks like Congressman Tom Udall has a new TV spot that is a little less than honest when it comes to his record on funding for Los Alamos labs:


At the end of the ad Congressman Udall says:

That’s why I voted for funding to expand the mission of Los Alamos to create new jobs in counterterrorism and energy research. I’m Tom Udall and I approved this message because we have to do what’s right for New Mexico.

Ok…. let’s see… let me try and start this off with a positive. That is Tom Udall in that ad. We can all agree that he should be doing what’s right for New Mexico. And, there is no question that Los Alamos plays a critical role in countering terrorism and energy research.

So, what’s the problem? Well, Congressman Udall, knowing everything above, actually voted TO CUT FUNDING for Los Alamos labs. Of course, don’t just take my word for it. You can can go back and read about Tom Udall’s vote to cut funding for the labs last summer. Oh, and let’s not forget the lack of concern that Tom Udall showed when layoffs were announced at Los Alamos because he wouldn’t fight to protect their funding.

Look, Tom Udall is entitled to vote for his own priorities. But, he should not get a pass on trying to rewrite his history to run away from his votes to cut funding for our labs.