Governor Bill Richardson’s decision to acknowledge defeat in the Presidential campaign (subscription) today is going to go down as the best decision he has made in the entire race.
Stung by dismal showings in Iowa and New Hampshire, and scraping the bottom of his campaign war chest, Gov. Bill Richardson apparently is ending his bid for the presidency.
Richardson’s national campaign finance chairman, Ed Romero of Albuquerque, told the Journal on Wednesday that he has been informed the governor will have a news conference today announcing his decision to withdraw from the race for the Democratic nomination.
Romero added that he is already making calls on behalf of Hillary Clinton, who won the New Hampshire primary election Tuesday.
There is nothing wrong with giving it a try and losing, but he was on the verge of looking foolish, and that’s not good for the Governor or New Mexico.
Speaking of good decisions, according to a recent press release, it looks like the ACLU has abandoned their frivolous lawsuit against Senator Rod Adair:
Today however, in an unprecedented move for that organization, the ACLU moved to dismiss their own lawsuit, with prejudice, agreed they themselves are liable for all the fees they have incurred for their three attorneys and their entire legal team. As part of the settlement the ACLU was required to issue the following statement:
“The ACLU-NM acknowledges that Senator Rod Adair is a strong supporter of the United States and New Mexico Constitutions.”
Adair acknowledged the clear and total victory in the case, “The statement they released concerning my well-known commitment to civil rights for everyone contradicts, word-for-word, the frivolous complaint they had filed, he said, “I cannot imagine a more complete surrender by anyone in any case in New Mexico history.”
It’s like everyone is seeing the light at the same time.